Summer Isn’t a Break for Kids or Parents – But It Could Be
Summer Camp at Kids Co. 2022
Let’s start with the obvious – summer breaks and jobs simply don’t mix. There isn’t a job in the world where a working parent can take 10 weeks off never-mind all the other break weeks throughout the school year.
For many grown-ups with kids, trying to figure out what to do for the whole summer break can be a stress-inducing time. Not only do working parents feel the pressure of giving their kids great and varied experiences, they feel the financial pressure of the high cost of those experiences.
For all kids, summer should be a time for play, play and more play. For many kids, over scheduling is the way of the world when perhaps, kids might actually prefer less scheduling and more time spent in unstructured and structured play. Enrolling kids in programs, like Kids Co., that weave reading, arts, science, exercise, etc. into play keep kids bodies and minds engaged and are FUN! This is important to help mitigate summer learning loss.
Summer can be a break for kids and parents – the fewer transitions, the better for kids and working families.
Yes, enroll your kids in skill building classes like swimming lessons and bike safety.
Yes, enroll your kids in experiences that your kids may be interested in to potentially spark more wonder and curiosity for deeper learning.
Definitely enroll your kids in programs that encourage social-emotional development, offer developmentally appropriate opportunities, and promote play-based learning.
Things that set Kids Co. apart from other summer programs…
- Consistent, positive adult role models for a long period of time
- Bring experiences to the kids while providing a full day of care – no midday transitions from one program to another
- Affordable weekly tuition – one rate for 9 hours of care
- Continuity and predictability with regular attendance, consistent program structure and staff helps kids feel safe and builds confidence
- Community based program – meet kids from the neighborhood
- Focus on the whole child and flexible to meet kids’ interests and change activities to best suit the kids we serve
- Fun, safe programming – doing what’s best for the safety of kids and staff to remain open
- Prevent summer learning loss and encourage healthy choices.
Click here for Kids Co. Summer Camp information.
Click here for Kids Co. Summer Camp Themes.
Click here to enroll.
Summer Learning Resources:
Making Summer Count – How Summer Programs Can Boost Children’s Learning
Examining Summer Learning Loss & Achievement Gaps in 2021
Summer learning loss: What is it, and what can we do about it?