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Full Day Care

Kids Co. has 5 locations open to provide safe, high quality afterschool enrichment for your school age child. We offer preschool at our Southeast Seattle location, Kids Co. at Graham Hill. Like all of you, we continue to do our very best to adapt to life during this marathon of a pandemic. Kids Co. has been providing care safely under COVID-19 conditions since March 2020. We are experienced and work tirelessly to keep our kids safe by following King County Public health COVID-19 guidelines that are specific to child care and school settings.

It is our privilege to serve and we are honored that you chose Kids Co.


Kids Co. at Graham Hill

Kids Co. at Graham Hill Elementary
5149 S Graham St
Seattle, WA 98118
(206) 725-3540

*Kids Co. accepts Working Connections Child Care,  City of Seattle Child Care Assistance Program, and the King Co. CARES Act Child Care Financial Assistance Program child care subsidies. Due to limited financial resources, Kids Co. has a limited number of subsidy spaces and is unable to offer scholarship assistance for family co-pays. There are limited Kids Co. Scholarship Funds for families who do not qualify for state or city child care subsidies.